*This is a dream I had about my friend Cheryl, as told to her in an email.

You were coming to Georgia to visit, so D and I drove up there to pick you up and bring you here. Luckily in my dream it was only a 10 minute round trip lol. So he and I drive up, pick you up, then he goes to work. I bring you back to the house to drop your stuff off. But it wasn’t my house–I mean, it was my house in the dream, but not the house I live in. It was a little single-wide trailer in a really crowded trailer park. So we walk in, break out some vodka to start partying, and we hear this noise outside. I go out on the porch and there’s this little boy out there picking up my clay pots and smashing them. The boy’s name is Derrick, and he’s actually a kid I used to know in real life–he and his mom lived in an apartment complex I used to run. He was 11 and a total freaking nightmare. Because of him I ended up evicting their family, and his mom sued me for discrimination in Fair Housing court. I won, they were out on their ass. Anyway, back to the dream. So I’m watching little Derrick bust up my pots and laugh the whole time, so I run out there and chase him off the porch. I told him his mama was going to hear about it. Just then his mom came out on her porch, which was 30 feet away from my porch, and said she was watching him do it and had told him to go do it. She wasn’t Marge from real life though, she was Nedra from the latest season of Hell’s Kitchen lol. She got all sassy in my face about her son doing whatever he wants and I’m not going to do shit about it–and THAT part was absolutely the same as in real life. So I come back in and am apologizing to you for my rude neighbors. I was mortified because I lived in a trailer park and was being ruled by these misfits. You said fuck them, let me try something, and out you go to go talk to Nedra. You came back with her TV in your arms and said she wouldn’t be messing with us anymore. So that was the end of that lol. We loaded up and went to a bar to celebrate. The bar was actually six flags, and to get a drink we had to sit in a coaster car and be taken to the alcohol. I don’t know why but coasters appear in my dreams pretty often as conduit between one destination and another. I’m not afraid of them so who knows what the meaning is there lol. The whole evening out at the bar was like that though.. Our drink would be empty, so we’d go hop on the Scream Machine and ride to the next bar. Empty drink, hop on the Ninja for a beer. Empty drink, let’s hit the Georgia Cyclone and get some shots. Every ride had a different beverage. By the time we were done we were so trashed we couldn’t even see straight lol. I said it sucks because I can’t drive you back to north carolina drunk. You said oh dont worry, I think the Dahlonega Mine Train stops in Raleigh, I can get home from there. So we were on our way back to the park to get your stuff so we could send you home on the Mine Train but when we got there, Nedra and Derrick were on the porch again, about to throw more clay pots on the ground. When they saw us, they stopped and put them down. I was like dude, wtf did you say to that woman?! You just laughed and told me “Cheerios are a powerful weapon, my dear.” We went inside, sat for a while, waited for them to return but they didn’t. You asked why I even live there, and I told you I honestly didn’t know, that it felt like I had a better house somewhere else, but couldn’t remember it. And then I woke up.